Practical Steps to Keep Pests out of Your Home this Summer

Summer is upon us, bringing its gifts of sunshine, warmth and lighter clothing. However, the change in weather also acts as an invitation to household critters and pests. It’s almost inevitable that a pest or two or more will find home in your home in this weather. That is why you must follow a proactive approach to keep pests at bay during summer.

The first proactive approach includes being aware of the pests that arise with warm weather. More importantly, you should know what you need to do to keep them away.

What pests come out in summer?

Homeowners cope with pests all year round as the weather changes. Summer pests usually start appearing in spring when the weather starts warming up. Here are the top 5 pests that you may encounter during summer from May till September.

• Rodents

• Fruit Flies

• Cockroaches

• Spiders

• Ants

8 Steps to Prevent Summer Pests Entering Your Home

A good pest service provider can help you stay one step ahead of pests through appropriate pest management. However, for starters, you can also keep summer pests away by following a customized pest activity plan. These are the simple actions to keep your home pest-free.

1. Install door sweeps.

House pests can enter a home from the smallest gaps or cracks. Rats or mice can sneak in from a half an inch gap. Make sure that your doors remain closed. It only takes a second for a pest to get inside. The most economical way to close door gaps is to install door sweeps.

2. Seal cracks and other openings

Insect pests, such as cockroaches and ants can squeeze in through even smaller spaces. Small structural flaws and crevices allow small pests like ants and cockroaches to pass through them. Especially, gaps created by pipes and cables are the entry points that are often overlooked. You must seal or caulk these holes using pest-proof material such as hardware cloth, flashing, etc.

3. Keep the drains clean.

With time, organic slime can build up inside sinks and floor drains. This not only provides a suitable hosting environment but is also a perfect breeding ground for small flies. Make sure that your drains are clean and are serviced regularly. Drains that are filled with slime or emit odor can attract insect pests such as cockroaches.

4. Pay attention to your kitchen.

Of all your rooms, the kitchen is the most viable spot for pests. Kitchens are usually warm and moist, and this is exactly the place that pests swarm in. Not only are these places good food sources but they have the most favorable hosting conditions for many pests. That is why you must pay attention to the condition of your kitchen.

Never leave dirty dishes unattended in the sink or leftover food on the table. Also, make sure your drainpipe is in the best working conditions. There must be no leaking and also ensure that the splash guard is correctly sealed.

5. Fix the floor tiles.

Floors can start to crack after a few years and if not, their grout starts to break. Organic debris or small chunks of food start accumulating inside the cracked floor. Missing grout also becomes a collecting point and can be a fertile breeding ground for pests. Keep an eye out for such floor areas and try to repair the damage as soon as you can.

6. Storage Room

If you have a storage room in your house, it needs extra protection. This is an area that most people do not bother to clean or sweep regularly. As a result, they only come to know about a pest infestation after it has spread. To prevent this from happening to you, you must do a mandatory cleanout monthly.

Perform a thorough check once in a few weeks to avoid pest infestation. Also, make sure the food storage area is neither damp nor has moisture. If you have a larger storage room, leave some room between walls and containers. This will help create air flow as well as avoid moisture build-up and allow you to move freely so pests such as rats will have no place to hide.

7. Manage your landscaping.

Once you have taken precautionary measures inside your home, it is time to manage the landscaping. Still water and excessive mulch in your landscape area can create pest problems. To avoid this, you must establish a vegetation-free zone to diminish pest activity. This will reduce the chances of any pest getting into your home during summer.

Mulch acts as a primary harborage and a place of refuge for many pests. They use the vegetation as a freeway to reach your home. So, always keep a 15 to 25 inches barrier between the landscape area and your home.

8. Dump your trash properly.

Trash cans are pest magnets, creating effective pathways for pests to your home. The ideal solution is to use trash cans with self-closing lids. Experts advise using liners to avert the organic debris that builds up inside dumpsters with time. Also, you must regularly clean and replace the trash cans and wash them on a monthly basis.


These practical steps can prove useful when they are followed properly. You can keep summer pests away from your home and can enjoy complete tranquility in this weather. In case you need extra protection, contact a good pest control service provider near you. Professional pest exterminators can devise fool-proof strategies specifically designed for you to ensure your house remains pest-free.

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