The Benefits of a Pre-Shipment Inspection in China

The Benefits of a Pre-Shipment Inspection in China

Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) refers to the inspection of goods before they are shipped out of the factory in China. It’s a common practice in Asia as well as European countries, and it is widely believed that PSI can ensure the quality and safety of the products, help create brand awareness and reputation, ensure excellent customer … Read more

Startup Studio Insider on the Perks of Choosing A Startup Studio Career in Startup Studios

Startup Studio Insider on the Perks of Choosing A Startup Studio Career in Startup Studios

Imagine this: you’re given the opportunity to interview with two different companies. One is a traditional corporation that’s been around for years. The other is a startup studio, a business that develops numerous companies in succession. Which would you choose? Many people would automatically select the corporate route, as there’s security in an established company. … Read more